Monday, October 28, 2019


Many of you have fallen victim, or known someone who has fallen victim, to the adoption scammer known on Facebook as Gabby Wabby. As her family members, we want to apologize for the pain she has caused, and we want you to know that according to law enforcement, there isn't too much we can do about the situation. However, we absolutely want everyone to know that we do not condone her actions whatsoever. We also want to make everyone aware of her tactics so no one else falls victim to her scam.

Gabby's Methods

As far as we can tell, Gabby begins by stealing photos of newborns and/or pregnant couples. If she's using Facebook, she will usually post on adoption groups saying that she has a "friend" or "family member" who is looking to place their child for adoption. She'll often post comments on individual posts in these groups to connect with her potential victims as easily as possible.

If she's using Facebook for her scam, she can be recognized by her username, Gabby Wabby, along with one of these recent profile pictures:

She will often say something along the lines of,

"My friend can't connect with you on social media. Is there another way she can contact you?"
If she's using Instagram, she'll create a new account of a woman or couple looking to place their child for adoption. If you receive a follow request or message from someone with a new account and only a couple of pictures on their profile looking to place their child for adoption, there's a strong chance it's either Gabby or a similar scammer.

Once she has her victim connected off social media, she'll usually text with the number 770-727-6909 or 678-227-3527 as the "friend" or "family member" wanting to place their child. She'll send photos of the child or ultrasounds to prove that the child exists. These photos are stolen, either from a social media account or straight from Google Images.

As you get deeper into the adoption process, she'll become flaky, not answering calls or saying that she can't meet you for one reason or another. Eventually, she'll get to the point where (as far as we can tell) she just gets tired of the ruse, says she never had a baby to place for adoption, and laugh at all of the comments on social media about her scam.

What We Can All Do

As I mentioned before, we've spoken to law enforcement, and there isn't much we can do legally to get Gabby to stop. It's also nearly impossible to get her involuntarily committed. Her scam has already made international headlines. Yet, she refuses to stop. In fact, she seems to be enjoying the attention she gets. So the best we can do is make as many people aware of her scam so no one else gets hurt by her.

Please, share this blog with everyone you can, especially if you have friends who are trying to adopt a child. Please share in every adoption group you can, especially in the North Georgia area. We believe she is targeting people across the country, but she lives in North Georgia, so those are her closest potential victims.

If you are friends with Gabby on Facebook, make sure you aren't giving her access to photos of newborns or ultrasounds. She will try to use them for her scam.

We, Gabby's family, don't know why she's doing these things. We've talked to her, begged her to stop, tried to tell her how much she is hurting people (including her own family). But she simply won't listen. We don't think there's any financial gain. She simply enjoys hurting people.

If anyone has any ideas regarding legal options we may not have considered, please share them.

We are so sorry for the pain Gabby has caused. We are doing everything we can to stop her.


  1. Try Dr. Phil. He has done similar stories before, and will offer her some sort of help. This is a mental health issue.

  2. I am a Dr. Phil representative and I can put you in touch with one of our producers who may be able to help. Please email

    Thank you


      don't talk to this person, they are also a scammer with a brand new profile. here's the official link.

    2. I found out gabby did this to me 3 days ago. I'm 17 and pregnant .

    3. I'm so sorry. It's completely unnerving.

  3. Have you considered filing a 72 hour psychological hold on Gabby? It is very simple and only requires two relatives to file. At minimum she could be psychologically evaluated and if they find that she needs further treatment they will give her the treatment. Something needs to be done. It's not enough to say "We are so sorry for the pain Gabby has caused." If you genuinely love and care for her, it is OBVIOUS she desperately needs psychological help. Acknowledging someone you love needs help psychologically and emotionally is difficult. However, in this case, I would be more afraid of doing nothing... Because what is Gabby going to do next?

    1. I've looked into that, and it's actually a pretty complicated process in GA. The laws around that aren't up to date with online behavior.

  4. I need to speak with the admin of this page immediately

  5. Any updates on this? I keep hearing she's going to be on Dr. Phil but no solid proof anywhere.

    1. She will be on Dr. Phil later in February.

  6. This is Ashley King Gabby useed my name and my daughter's photos I hope she gets in some type of trouble or learn her lesson she put my family through a lot you know she did had my daughter through agencies she is sending people pictures of my daughter saying that this is yours I had you know people that I've talked to personally after contacting me letting me know what was going on they would tell me everything about what Gabby said and she made up horrible lies about my deceased mother and she made up horrible lies about my family that which is not even true she you know have people convinced to come to Georgia and take my daughter and I've talked to a couple families they had the nursery ready for my daughter they they were really thinking that they were getting a baby they went through agencies and stuff until they realize it was a scam they were packing their bags headed to Georgia to come pick up my daughter and I feel bad because you know you don't play about stuff like that one there was no baby cuz my daughter is never up for an adoption so there never were going to be able to get a baby and they got their hopes up in then me and my husband had to look over our shoulders making sure this crazy person didn't try to snatch your kid up because we didn't know what was going on she's crazy enough to do all this other stuff I want to confront Gabby and ask her why she did what she did to me and my family she cannot ever take back the words that she said or take back anything that she did I hope they find some way that she can learn her lesson

    1. gabby had an adoptive couple CALL THE HOSPITAL I WAS AT when my daughter was born because they were on their way to get MY CHILD.
      gabby is dangerous.

    2. She is doing this to me currently, just got a message from a woman thinking I was giving my baby up. Thankfully she saw my full name from one of my ultrasound on the fake instagram and messaged me on Facebook. I was so confused at first but just disgusted afterwards because it's just so wrong to steal someone else's photos and make these poor people think they will be getting a baby that isn't going to actually be there and be FULLY aware that's the case

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I can't believe Gabby's siblings don't have a clue what drives Gabby to do this. We can blame it on bipolar, autism, her mother's passing, a heart illness, but at the end of the day, we KNOW there's something way deeper going on. When Gabby masterminds these manipulations, she feels like God. Imagine the power that surges through her. She does this to counteract the extreme helplessness she feels in her real life. She obviously has been very much abused. Someone has stripped her of her power. What better way to gain some of it back by hiding behind a computer screen and faking out dozens of adults? When kids are abused, they can't fight back. The only way to displace their anger towards their abuser is to unleash it on people who pose NO threat, such as loving couples who desperately want to adopt. Her dad Gene appeared to be a loving, gentle dad on Dr. Phil, but I've seen other Dr. Phil episodes in which an ADMITTED ABUSER appeared to be just as loving and gentle. It's also aggravating that Gabby's heart condition diagnosis was not disclosed on the show. I've never heard of a heart condition that, while the patient is up and about without any problem and no supplemental oxygen, will also likely kill them by age 30. Her obesity certainly isn't helping. Judging by Gene's very out of shape body, I gather that encouragement to work out was never a part of this family. That Gabby sits around all day doing nothing, whose fault is that? Why was she never encouraged (prior to the scamming) to DO something with her life? Volunteer work? School? Hello? Parent fail.

    1. Exactly thank you someone with common sense finally...simple she does this because she can and has been doing so since the age of seventeen without any severe consequences or ramifications for her horrendous actions which have not only caused people so much pain but financially as well...and all it seems she gets for all this trouble she has cause and continues to get a slap on the wrist and told not to be naughty which is what happens to a five years old when they're misbehaving..she's 24! For crying out loud let's stop with the coddling Dr's not rocket know that unless this person is hit with some sort of legal consequence for her actions she will not stop!!! Period.

  8. This isn’t a curable or treatable mental illness gabby has. She has anti social personality disorder with elements of bpd. There’s nothing to be done for her. Let her face some consequences though?! She’s an absolute MONSTER.

    1. Agreed. She's a monster. It was obvious from watching her on Dr. Phil that she had no empathy for her victims and she was reveling in the attention. Of course she will do it again. A lot of people are abused, but they don't become sadists. She will eventually wind up in prison.

  9. You are enabling her. She lives with you, at age 23? No job, I assume? Who pays for her computer? Let her face her own consequences.

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  11. You are ALLOWING her to continue to hurt people. There is more than this blog that you can do, so stop the BS. Cut off her internet, take her cell phone,or better yet, commit her in an mental health institution... how can you continue to let this monster freeload , give her a roof, cell phone, wifi... I cannot understand. I see you has accomplice for all those reasons. Her being a “family member” and for that reason, you feeling love for her IS NOT a valid reason to let her continue and not kick her to the curve. for this, you are responsible too for all the pain she caused.

  12. if anybody read all the information Gabby has a heart condition and can not have children of her own, as such her father fears taking away her cell phone encase she has a medical emergency and needs help.... so for those saying take it away they can't....

    1. The heart condition I understand not taking her phone but she should only be allowed a programmed phone with only the important numbers she needs including 911. This can be done to where she can’t call other people from that phone. Now she’s 23 if she can get her hands on money she can go out and just purchase burners but if this girl is living at home with no job then dad needs to put his foot down or give her some tough love and say time to move out and be a responsible adult in the real world.

    2. She could get one of those Jitterbug type phones that elderly people have. You can use them to reach doctors, family, and emergency services, but there's no Internet access nor anything else. If her father is allowing this shit to continue he is every bit as guilty at this point.

  13. Oh btw I just saw on the Hoping to Adopt page on Facebook she is back and just scammed another couple. I’m wondering if she ever went to that location Dr. Phil offered to get her help. She said she wanted to go but there was no follow up of what’s happened since.

  14. Obviously this woman is mentally deranged. Really sad when someone truly wants to adopt, (especially when it involves an immediate family member), or anyone for that matter. Heart condition or not, shes killing the hearts of others, so does her heart condition make things right to all of those hearts she's crushed. Boo hoo. She needs to be committed.

  15. gabby stole photos from me with both of my pregnancies,a total of 4 different couples, I thought i had blocked her but apparently not.

    the day after my daughter was born in 2014 the wife of a couple #3 called the hospital i was at and said she was on her way to pick up my child. the nurses and i had no clue what was going on until i spoke with this woman and she told me about gabby. this lady got her attorney involved as she felt entitled to my child, her attorney told her there was nothing they could do. i had a nurse with me 24/7 until i was sent home and the wife of couple #3 constantly asked to adopt my child, i understand she was upset.
    gabby had gotten exact locations like the hospital i delivered at ect and had this couple on their way, i wonder what would of happened if they had just shown up. finally, i asked their attorney for them to please leave me alone. i am in Virginia and this couple was from Georgia, i didnt know then that's where gabby is located.
    i found out about couple #4 after the wife spoke with couple #3 and got in touch with me.
    the police in my area took it seriously but couldnt do anything with gabby.

    gabby needs to be committed. she is smarter than people seem to realize.

    1. I very much doubt anyone felt entitled to your homely kid. I also love how so many people here don't have a pot to pee in but keep having kids, but that's our tax money at work. Medicaid pays for their kid's deliveries because of their poor decisions and financials. Gabby is gross, but atleast the prospective adoptive parents have money and don't rely on social welfare. FFS, the Kings can't even move out of their parent's basement but keep having kids. Then there's the teen mothers. The only people that aren't trash in this story are the hopeful adoptive parents, ffs, even the people gabby stole from can't afford the kids they keep having. Gross.

  16. the 1st 2 couples, in 2013 found my photos on an adoption site and couple #2 reverse searched them which led them to my social media profile.
    gabby apparently continued stalking my page which a fake account of hers.

    1. Nobody cares and your story is made up. There's no way the hospital gave out your name and violated HIPAA, you're just a liar with a homely looking kid

  17. Since I have her address, in Winder GA would anyone be willing to do a peaceful protest outside her house demanding that she takes down all her Social Media or is institutionalized?

    1. If I would live near, I would. Something needs to be done.

  18. So sorry for your dog. I know the pain. unfortunately, Her family will never do anything about this horrid monster’s action. They could have taken her cell phone and wifi away, given her just a basic cell phone for emergencies, but they don’t. They allow her to continue to destroy people. They are has much responsable then that disgusting shit called gabby. They are her accomplice . Shame on all of them. Hope they all suffer has much has all the pain caused by that shit gabby and by their inaction to stop her. I can’t believe after all these years, nothing can be done to stop her. I’m sorry but she deserves to die after all the pain she caused and still causes and the pleasure she gets out of it. It’s the only way she will stop hurting people.

  19. I'm pretty sure she's doing this to me currently. I just got a message from a woman thinking I was giving my baby up for adoption when they are born. She said the woman didn't want anything accept CONSTANT attention, sent them my baby bump pics and my ultrasound on instagram. The only reason they found me was because she noticed my full name on the ultrasound and looked me up on Facebook. She freaked out the moment we called her out on her shit and sent another message from a different number freaking out on the poor woman. She won't even respond to me. Everything points to her with everything I hear about how she acts. It's like a perfect fit. I'm thankful it didn't get to when I delivered my baby because they talked sooo much about showing up to just pick up the baby

    1. Atleast the adoptive parents could afford the kid without handouts and medicaid and other subsidies. More than I can say for you.

  20. Scammers have ruined the forex trading market and this company is one of them. They have deceived many people with their fake promises on high returns. I learnt my lesson the hard way. I only pity people who still consider investing with them. Please try and make your researches, you will definitely come across better and reliable forex trading agencies that would help you yield profit and not ripping off your money. Also, if your money has been ripped-off by these scammers, you can report to a regulated crypto investigative unit who make use of software to get money back (fightingscams at aol dot com). He is a recovery expert and a very professional one at that.

  21. I mean TBH the couples sound horrible too. Don't be so dumb to fall for this? Who's just gonna give you their freaking baby instead of going through an agency. Once you find out its not true don't demand the baby and get your lawyer involved. Like WTF?? Stop trying to buy a baby and this won't happen. She's exploiting it cause there's a demand.

  22. Dear Family,
    Have you attained any progress with treatment of Gabby's condition? I'm a biochemist, and it's obvious that most serious heart conditions have underlying genetic component. You may already know diagnosis of this specific syndrome. Majority of these will cause simultaneously serious problems within patient's CNS.
    Unfortunately, most cardiologists don't have enough time to make an additional specialization in neurology or psychiatry.

    Bottom-line is that Gabby needs specific anti-neurodegenerative and psychiatric medicines. She can't control herself, she needs professional Rx drugs to overcome brain problems. No amount of psychotherapy would be useful without physiological/biochemical treatment.

  23. She is trash. After I read the comment about her laughing at a dog's death, I believe she needs to be euthanized. I'm sorry, but what is the point of wasting food to keep her alive? She has a life limiting condition, so just end her life now. At least give her covid and don't take her for medical care.

  24. Agree. What's wrong with her deformed mouth?

  25. Post her address,

  26. She is still doing this. Just last week she harassed, deceived, and emotionally abused my husband and Me. She used the names Angel Richards and Pieper.

  27. I was scammed by this woman. I spent 2 months talking to her daily. She reached out to us on and we continued communication on our Google voice number. She told me her name was Samantha, she was 16 and pregnant and lived 5hrs away from me, her dad was in jail and her mom was in rehab. She also told me she had IED and that she didn't handle her anger well and would blow up over nothing sometimes. She sent me ultrasound pics, selfies, tik tok recordings, etc. and talked to me on the phone. Husband and I did some digging and found Samantha’s Facebook and everything checked out. The pics and info on Facebook all lined up with what she was sending us. The only concerning thing was every once in a while she would post something about being a young mom, parenting, buying baby things. Which made it seem like she wasn’t serious about adoption. So we asked Samantha (Gabby) to talk to our attorney on the phone, to make it more “real” and she did! She straight up had a conversation with our lawyer and confirmed she wanted to do the adoption process etc. The two months spent communicating with her were emotionally draining. She would go on and on about how it was meant to be, how she was so grateful for us, how she was so happy to give us this “gift”. But then one second later she would be cussing me out, saying death threats, calling me a b*tch, saying she was backing out of the adoption. I cried SO many tears over this girl. I thought it was her IED, and she was in a tough situation, and it was my responsibility to listen and support her and stay calm during her outbursts. I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. I felt like the whole adoption success was riding on my ability to keep this teenager calm and be “cool”. (continued in next comment)

    1. She invited us to her ultrasound appt, sent us the doctors info and address, I bought her a goodie bag with her favorite snacks and a hand written note about how grateful we are that she chose us and chose life for her baby. And as the appt date got closer and closer, we noticed more and more red flags. We asked her to video chat and she agreed several times but would back out last minute. Then she would send pictures of her yard with snow and say “it’s snowing” but I knew it wasn’t snowing in her area that day (it’s one state over from us). And then I saw that the same snowy picture was posted 2 months earlier on Facebook. Then she called me one day bawling hysterically. Crying like no other. Saying her sister committed suicide. I talked to her for an hour. Listened to her, comforted her, suggested she see a counselor, it was honestly so much to handle. But then days later her sister is posting on social media? It didn’t line up. She said her boyfriend hit her and she was bruised but she wouldn’t send a pic. Then on Facebook her boyfriend was still in all her pictures and commenting etc. She said she worked at Burger King, dropped out of school, said her prenatal vitamins made her sick, said her belly ached as it grew, SO MANY disturbing lies. Many phone calls were spent with her just rambling about school or pregnancy while her cat Milo meowed in the background. She would cuss at the cat and threaten to kill it. My heart breaks for that poor cat. The most disturbing one was the hour long phone call about her sister committing suicide. She even texted from a different number and pretended to be her boyfriend Patrick. I had full days of texts with Patrick too, talking about Samantha’s pregnancy and mental state after her sisters suicide. A week before her ultrasound appt we told her we felt there were too many inconsistencies and red flags and we would not come unless we FaceTimed or video chatted and we needed an adult present. She flipped out. Cussed us out. Told us “I got you so good ��” and “are you crying like a little bitch now?” And “haha you actually thought you were getting a baby!” And then threatened to kill our families and drench us in gasoline and light us on fire. She texted and called from 4 different numbers and we blocked them all. We will no longer be using self-matching sites after this experience. Thank god we didn’t book flights, make a 5 hr drive, spend money on legal fees or hotels. I’m just glad we caught her red flags before it was too late. She’s truly a disturbed human being. I eventually contacted the mother of the REAL Samantha 16 yr old and told her that her daughter's pictures, identity, tik toks etc. were being used by a scammer. Her mother, and Samantha, were very freaked out and grateful that I was able to find them and let them know.

    2. Post ugly gabby's address. Someone reading this will be happy to pay it a visit...

    3. if you have her address, please contact the police so they can check on the cat. Animal abuse is a crime in georgia.

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Many of you have fallen victim, or known someone who has fallen victim, to the adoption scammer known on Facebook as Gabby Wabby. As her ...